Alhamdulillah, kita jauh dari peperangan yang melanda di Asia Barat.
Tetapi, hati meronta-ronta mengenangkan saudara-saudara kita di sana.
Mungkin ada yang berkata
"Kalau lah aku ada sebuah jet pejuang, akan ku bedil kafirun Yahudi".
Mungkin ada yang berkata "Kalaulah aku ada magik, akan ku hapuskan rejim
zionis satu persatu"
Dan bermacam-macam lagi, ramai yang mengharapkan kemenangan Islam.
Tuan-tuan:- Dengan izin Allah dan dengan penuh keyakinan dan keimanan,
saya mohon tuan tuan berdoa kepada Allah memohon bantuan.
Mari kita bertafakur, Dengan penuh keyakinan, fahami terjemahan dan
maksud surah Al-Fil.............
Bacakan surah tersebut dibibir dengan hati mengingati peristiwa
kehancuran tentera Bergajah.
"Ya Allah!! Sebagaimana Engkau Pernah menghantar burung-burung ababil
menghancurkan tentera bergajah Musyrikin, maka kami memohon kepada mu Ya
Allah........ turunkan lah bantuan mu kali ini kepada orang orang Islam
Lubnan, hancurkanlah rejim zionis......... amin...." (kemudian
surah Al Fil sambil membayangkan kehancuran tentera Yahudi - dihancurkan
dengan Izin Allah)
Lipatgandakan doa ini.
Selepas anda membuat apa yang saya anjurkan, Sila lipatgandakan doa
ini, Hantar kepada 7 orang rakan anda yang lain.
Maka 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 X 7 = 823453 orang akan berbuat perkara yang
sama, kemudian 823453 X 7 = 5.8 juta orang......... InsyaAllah .........
sesungguhnya Allah maha pemurah lagi mengasihani, mendengar doa kita.
Adalah dialu-alukan kepada sesiapa yang berinisiatif menterjemahkan
dalam bahasa Inggeris untuk dihantar ke saudara Islam di UK dan US serta
pelusuk dunia.
July 28, 2006
July 20, 2006
My Name Is Imran Haziq

My name is Imran Haziq. I was born on the 6th of October 2005, 3 weeks before the due date. It was the 2nd day of Ramadhan. My mama has to qadha' puasa for 28 days!... pity my mama. And until now I don't think she has completed all.. Watch out mama, the fasting month is just around the corner.. :)
I have a big brother, abang Luqman and twin sisters Kakak Humaira and Kakak Maisara.. They always pick on me.. Just wait until I am big like you all... But sometimes they are very nice too.. They sing for me, they play chak baa with me... I love them all..
Satu satu saya sayang mama
Dua dua saya sayang ayah
Tiga tiga sayang kakak kakak
Satu dua tiga sayang abang luqman
My favourite past times is to climb the stairs. Bibik will follow me until I get to the top. And then carry me down again..and I go to the top again.. Actually I am helping bibik to lose some weight.. hehhehe.. I stay with bibik during daytime.. It was quite boring. Mama and Ayah is at work. My brother and sisters are in the Nursery.. I heard that they learn a lot of things there.. singing, exercising, ABC, playing with friends... I want to go there too! But mama said I have to wait another year or two..
I am now into my 9th month.. My first tooth is just coming out.. it is very small. Mama always ask me to show the white pearl but I don't think she has ever see it because I always show my tounge instead.. hehheh.. naughty me. Don't worry mama, i won't bite you.. I am also currently learning how to walk.. Mama always train me by holding my one hand and walk along with me. I will try to build my confidence as soon as possible so that I can walk all by myself.. As for standing, yeahh I have already master it for a few seconds.. I can't wait to show to Ayah when Ayah come back from outstation..
Oh it's nearly 10am, it's my nap time.. I am getting sleepy now.. Bibik please help me get into the buai... I will story again later, okay..

July 17, 2006
si penyangak israel..
Mama geram betul la kat si penyangak israel laknatullah ni.. aduuhhh... tak cukup dengan palestin sekarang lubnan pulak.. si bush dushum tu plak memang la sekutunya.. mana la nak mintak tolong kat PBB... yang jadi mangsa sekarang ialah orang awam.. termasuk kanak-kanak, wanita, orang tua... luluh hati mama melihatkan gambar-gambar kanak-kanak tidak berdosa menjadi korban kekejaman manusia yang tak berhati perut ni...

Di kala ini, DI MANAKAH PEMBELA UMAT ISLAM?? Jika dilihat pada peta, negara Palestin yang telah diceroboh oleh Israel letaknya di tengah-tengah antara Lubnan, Syria, Jordan, Egypt.. tidak jauh dari itu ialah Arab Saudi, Iran, Iraq, Turkey.. Semuanya negara yang dipimpin oleh orang Islam! Apa yang mereka buat selama hampir setengah abad ini? hanya melihat jiran mereka dianiaya, ditindas, dibunuh, diculik oleh si penyangak itu... Semuanya cuma mahu menjaga diri sendiri sahaja... takutkan tindakbalas daripada barat.. sekatan.. semuanya hendak menjaga hubungan dengan Barat.. dan ada pun yang telah dibonekakan oleh Barat...Apa dah jadi dengan tanggungjawab sesama Islam?
Malaysia sebagai pengerusi OIC.. hanya mampu berkata.. "oh.. I see..." So buat apa ada OIC.. hanya tau bersidang sana sini.. tanpa ada resolusi yang menjaga bukan sahaja kepentingan tapi juga MARUAH umat Islam... "OIC mengutuk serangan Israel" Cuma boleh buat pernyataan saja la.. Itu buat apa.. takde maknanya...
Ada satu cerita...
Sebuah keluarga sedang berehat-rehat di sebuah kawasan. Tiba-tiba seorang lelaki datang menarik tangan adik bongsu keluarga tersebut lalu memukul, menendang dan sebagainya tanpa diketahui puncanya...
Abang tua pun mencadangkan, "Kita tak boleh biarkan perkara ini, kita mesti hentikan perbuatan lelaki itu terhadap adik kita.. " Mereka pun buat sepanduk kemudian beramai-ramai mengibarkan sepanduk, sambil melaung-laungkan "Jangan pukul adik kami!!"
Sementara itu, adik bongsu masih terus dibelasah..
Akibat kekecohan tersebut, datang seorang wartawan. Abang tengah akan uruskan media. "Di sini kami ingin membuat kenyataan bahawa kami mengutuk sekeras-kerasnya perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh lelaki tersebut ke atas adik kami.."
Sementara itu, adik bongsu masih terus dibelasah dan kelihatan sudah lembik tidak bermaya...
Namun abang tua, abang tengah, abang cik, abang uda, abang teh, abang tam tetap memberikan sokongan moral tidak jauh dari situ...
Aduuh... sampai bila kah agaknya adik bongsu akan menunggu untuk diselamatkan oleh abang-abangnya yang bukan sahaja berbadan sasa, malah ada kuasa yang boleh digunakan untuk menyelamatkan adiknya yang semakin lemah dan tidak bermaya itu...
Aduhai... itu lah ibaratnya...
Mama tahu, mama pun tak mampu nak buat apa-apa... mama pun tak tau nak buat apa nak hentikan semua ni.. tak tau macamana nak tolong mereka... tapi mama rasa bersemangat juga bila Hizbullah sangat berani untuk bangkit berjuang menentang Israel.. Allahu Akbar!!! Mama berdoa supaya ini dapat menyuntik semangat kepada gerakan-gerakan Islam yang lain... Allahu Akbar!
Ya Allah, selamatkanlah saudara-saudara kami yang berada di Palestin, Lubnan, Chechnya, Kashmir, Afghanistan, Iraq, Acheh dan sebagainya.
Ya Allah, berikanlah kemenangan kepada para pejuang Islam yang bertungkus lumus mempertahankan islam tidak kira di mana mereka berada..
Ya Allah, sekiranya engkau mentaqdirkan mati, matikanlah mereka sebagai para syuhada'..
Ya Allah, kami ini insan yang lemah, kami hanya dapat menghalang kebatilan yang berlaku ke atas saudara-saudara kami dengan hati kami... Malunya kami Ya Allah... Ampunkan lah dosa-dosa kami Ya Allah...
Astaghfirullahal Azim..Ya Rabbal 'Alamin...
July 13, 2006
Islam is not about turban and beard
PUTRAJAYA: Islam is not about turban and beard, said the Federal Court in dismissing an appeal by three pupils who were expelled from school nine years ago for refusing to take off their serban.
The panel of three judges led by Court of Appeal president Tan Sri Abdul Malek Ahmad was unanimous in their decision that not everything that Prophet Muhammad did – or the way he did it – is legally or religiously binding on Muslims, or even preferable and should be followed.
In the panel were also Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Justice Steve Shim and Federal Court judge Justice Abdul Hamid Mohammad.
In his written judgment, Justice Abdul Hamid said he accepted that Prophet Muhammad wore a turban but added that the Prophet also rode a camel, built his house and mosque with clay walls and roof of date palm leaves and brushed his teeth with the twig of a plant.
“Does that make riding a camel a more pious deed than travelling in an aeroplane?” he asked in the judgment read out by Federal Court deputy registrar Kamaruddin Kamsun
“Is it preferable to build houses and mosques using the same materials used by the Prophet and the same architecture adopted by him during his time?”
In 1997, SK Serting Felda headmistress Fatimah Sihi expelled Meor Atiqulrahman Ishak, then 13, and two other students – brothers Syed Abdullah Khaliq Aslamy Syed Ahmad Johari, then 11, and Syed Ahmad Syakur Dihya Syed Ahmad Johari, then 10 – for wearing the turban to school.
On Aug 6, 1999, the High Court revoked the expulsion order, ruling that the headmistress had no power to expel the students for wearing the headgear.
On Nov 22, 2004, the Court of Appeal set aside the High Court ruling.
Justice Abdul Hamid said: “The question is whether the wearing of turbans by boys of the age of the appellants is a practice of the religion of Islam.
“The pagan Arabs wore turbans and kept beards. It was quite natural for the Prophet, born into the community and growing up in it, to do the same.”
He added that other people living in desert or semi-desert areas, such as the Afghans and Persians, also wear turbans.
“It is interesting to note that very few of our muftis and hardly any Syariah court judge wear the turban,” he said.
Justice Abdul Hamid said the court could not ignore the education system that had helped boys and girls to grow up as Malaysians, and educationists should be given respect and credit when they formulate regulations for the general good of students and society.
Describing the father of the two brothers as angkuh (arrogant), Justice Abdul Hamid said Syed Ahmad Johari Syed Mohamed wanted the three appellants to wear the turban to school because the serban was the “family’s emblem.”
He said he could not accept the submission of the students’ counsel Mohamed Hanipa Maidin that the school regulation violated the provisions of the Constitution.
Mohamed Hanipa had submitted that the appeal was related to the right to practise one’s religion and that includes every religious practice that has some basis or has become part of that religion, whether mandatory or otherwise.
“To accept the learned counsel’s argument would mean that anybody has a right to do anything, at any time and anywhere he considers to be a practice of his religion, no matter how trivial,” said Justice Abdul Hamid.
Outside the courtroom, Syed Ahmad Johari said he was upset because the school regulations emerged only after his sons started wearing the serban.
“However, I respect the decision of this court,” he said.
Syed Ahmad Johari, a public school teacher, who wears a serban and also dons a jubah (robe), said he would discuss with his lawyers the probability of taking the matter to the Syariah Court.
“Although it is a defeat for me, it is a victory for Islam because this issue has been brought to the highest court of the land. At least, the public would be aware of it,” said the 48-year-old father of six sons aged nine to 18, who all came to court together with turbans.
wah.. beraninya judge tu cakap camtu... kenyataannya tu seolah-olah memperlekehkan sunnah rasulullah.. takut mama mendengarnya.. astaghfirullahal'azim...
kalau macam ni.. abis tu yang orang sikh pakai turban tu boleh pulak???
susah betul la macam ni bila orang islam sendiri yang menghalang orang islam lain nak menghidupkan islam..
kata je islam hadhari.. islam ada hari.. ada hari lain tak islam...

dah besar-besar dah diorang sekarang.. dah jadik hafiz pun.. alhamdulillah..
PUTRAJAYA: Islam is not about turban and beard, said the Federal Court in dismissing an appeal by three pupils who were expelled from school nine years ago for refusing to take off their serban.
The panel of three judges led by Court of Appeal president Tan Sri Abdul Malek Ahmad was unanimous in their decision that not everything that Prophet Muhammad did – or the way he did it – is legally or religiously binding on Muslims, or even preferable and should be followed.
In the panel were also Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak Justice Steve Shim and Federal Court judge Justice Abdul Hamid Mohammad.
In his written judgment, Justice Abdul Hamid said he accepted that Prophet Muhammad wore a turban but added that the Prophet also rode a camel, built his house and mosque with clay walls and roof of date palm leaves and brushed his teeth with the twig of a plant.
“Does that make riding a camel a more pious deed than travelling in an aeroplane?” he asked in the judgment read out by Federal Court deputy registrar Kamaruddin Kamsun
“Is it preferable to build houses and mosques using the same materials used by the Prophet and the same architecture adopted by him during his time?”
In 1997, SK Serting Felda headmistress Fatimah Sihi expelled Meor Atiqulrahman Ishak, then 13, and two other students – brothers Syed Abdullah Khaliq Aslamy Syed Ahmad Johari, then 11, and Syed Ahmad Syakur Dihya Syed Ahmad Johari, then 10 – for wearing the turban to school.
On Aug 6, 1999, the High Court revoked the expulsion order, ruling that the headmistress had no power to expel the students for wearing the headgear.
On Nov 22, 2004, the Court of Appeal set aside the High Court ruling.
Justice Abdul Hamid said: “The question is whether the wearing of turbans by boys of the age of the appellants is a practice of the religion of Islam.
“The pagan Arabs wore turbans and kept beards. It was quite natural for the Prophet, born into the community and growing up in it, to do the same.”
He added that other people living in desert or semi-desert areas, such as the Afghans and Persians, also wear turbans.
“It is interesting to note that very few of our muftis and hardly any Syariah court judge wear the turban,” he said.
Justice Abdul Hamid said the court could not ignore the education system that had helped boys and girls to grow up as Malaysians, and educationists should be given respect and credit when they formulate regulations for the general good of students and society.
Describing the father of the two brothers as angkuh (arrogant), Justice Abdul Hamid said Syed Ahmad Johari Syed Mohamed wanted the three appellants to wear the turban to school because the serban was the “family’s emblem.”
He said he could not accept the submission of the students’ counsel Mohamed Hanipa Maidin that the school regulation violated the provisions of the Constitution.
Mohamed Hanipa had submitted that the appeal was related to the right to practise one’s religion and that includes every religious practice that has some basis or has become part of that religion, whether mandatory or otherwise.
“To accept the learned counsel’s argument would mean that anybody has a right to do anything, at any time and anywhere he considers to be a practice of his religion, no matter how trivial,” said Justice Abdul Hamid.
Outside the courtroom, Syed Ahmad Johari said he was upset because the school regulations emerged only after his sons started wearing the serban.
“However, I respect the decision of this court,” he said.
Syed Ahmad Johari, a public school teacher, who wears a serban and also dons a jubah (robe), said he would discuss with his lawyers the probability of taking the matter to the Syariah Court.
“Although it is a defeat for me, it is a victory for Islam because this issue has been brought to the highest court of the land. At least, the public would be aware of it,” said the 48-year-old father of six sons aged nine to 18, who all came to court together with turbans.
wah.. beraninya judge tu cakap camtu... kenyataannya tu seolah-olah memperlekehkan sunnah rasulullah.. takut mama mendengarnya.. astaghfirullahal'azim...
kalau macam ni.. abis tu yang orang sikh pakai turban tu boleh pulak???
susah betul la macam ni bila orang islam sendiri yang menghalang orang islam lain nak menghidupkan islam..
kata je islam hadhari.. islam ada hari.. ada hari lain tak islam...

dah besar-besar dah diorang sekarang.. dah jadik hafiz pun.. alhamdulillah..
July 12, 2006
TM as a GLC.. me as the employee
Guide on corporate social responsibility next for GLCs
PETALING JAYA: If the Red and Green books showed government-linked companies (GLCs) how to procure and how their boards should function effectively, the soon-to-be-launched Silver book will outline the framework for corporate social responsibility (CSR).
The Silver book is a guide that defines donations, contributions and other monies that are given out in the companies' “efforts to give back to society”.
The book also defined how GLCs should rank donations, in terms of objectivity, and provided a structured framework for GLCs to follow, sources said.
Currently, GLCs are doing a lot of things, some unrelated to their core businesses. Experts say they should find ways of deriving business value from good work and stay focused as they generate goodwill to influence purchase decisions.
Whatever they do – from sponsoring sporting events, helping the blind through to giving out scholarships – there remains a lot of buzz over CSR globally. This is from its mere definition perspective to the need for wider transparency and measurable returns from such an exercise.
While companies globally are still finding ways to manage CSR, some experts believe it is a public relations guff while others feel it is a branding thing.
Experts say it will be interesting to see how the Silver book defines CSR for the GLCs.
The launch of the Silver book is part of the GLC transformation programme, which is a “core part of the 15-year national mission to 2020 as the Government pushes the envelope further to move the economy up the value chain”. This is the fourth book to be launched since the transformation programme started.
The first of the book series was Blue, which outlined the best performance management practices that GLCs could adopt, while the Red and Green were launched a year ago.
Silver is not the final book as there are four more pending launch. Purple is about optimisation of capital management practices, Yellow and Brown on operational improvement, and Orange on how to manage and develop leaders and other aspects of human capital.
Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) pioneered the pilot study on CSR for the GLC transformation with the guidelines implemented across the board. Sources said with the pilot “TNB appears to be on the right track to achieving its CSR policy.”
An update on the GLCs can also be expected when the Silver book is launched. And to monitor the GLC turnaround plan, the Putrajaya Committee acts as a catalyst.
Blue - outlined the best performance management practices that GLCs could adopt - launched
Red - how to procure - launched
Green - how their boards should function effectively - launched
Silver - framework for corporate social responsibility (CSR) - soon
Purple - optimisation of capital management practices - pending
Yellow and Brown - operational improvement - pending
Orange - how to manage and develop leaders and other aspects of human capital - pending
Actually I am not aware of all these books until last night when I was accompanying my dear hubby finishing his office works.. at home of course.. the TV programmes didn't look very interesting so I settled with The STAR.. and guess what, i think for the first time i actually read it from cover to cover.. hence the Biz bits... hehehe..
Well, back to the colourful books.. it looks sounds good.. as a staff of a GLC i think we should at least aware of this kind of thing.. what for? well, at least we know where our company is heading.. and what are the things that are coming in your way in the future... to prepare, to get ready, to adapt, to change... waahh.. sounds scary, huh.. hehhehe.. But being a working level staff, it won't affect so much... we just get on with our work... let the big-big boss think about it... we just follow.. don't have to crack our head on how to achieve all those targets set by the company... i mean company's target, not our individual KPI target.. :).. when i am at the management level (God knows when..), then i will worry... but for now, just enjoy your work... hhehehe.. (kalau boss tau ni mesti kena critic... be proactive.. be proactive..)
so the new Silver book is on the social responsibility. Most of us perceived it as sponsorship. For TM, even before the book is out, we already have a lot to brag about... Le Tour d Langkawi (the french complaints that we pronounce it wrongly.. and why in the first place we use a french word??), Liga Malaysia, err.. what else haa? (tadi macam banyak tapi bila nak nulis tak keluar pulak...). So after the silver book is launched we should expect that TM will be sponsoring a lot more event. I know, the social responsibility does not only mean you have to sponsor this and that... it can also means you install phone lines in the rural area where the people is very few that you cannot gain that much revenue let alone to get profit out of it.. this is the kind of social responsibilities that we should look at.. it carries human value.. and out of nowhere somehow somewhere, berkat kerja kita when we make people happy.. not just sponsoring for event which is more towards branding.. and until now i don't really understand how does sponsoring the LTDL (we spent millions..) can promote our brand?
anyway, i am really looking forward to the orange book.. and i think TM has already embarked on this orange thingy on the human capital development. We call it Smart Orange Programme. This is really what everybody will be involved in and believe it or not, this should be the foundation of the GLC transformation.. it's all about people...who make it happen..
looking back...
Why GLC Transformation
TM's KPI 2006
July 07, 2006

Part 1
They say in legal circles that a verbal agreement is not worth the paper it is written on. Islam says, if a man breaks his word up to three times, then do not take him as a friend or comrade. Islamic scholar or ulamak Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, also currently Prime Minister of Malaysia,gave his word and he broke it more than three times. Abdullah, therefore, cannot be taken as a friend either in the western or Islamic perspective.And who did Abdullah give his word to? He gave it to previous Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad -- and of course to all Malaysians in his 2004 Election Manifesto, which he has also broken. And what did he promise Dr Mahathir? Many things, amongst which are that the Scenic or crooked Bridge would not be abandoned, the double tracking railway line would be pursued, and the national car, Proton, would be supported --just to mention but three.
After Dr Mahathir announced his resignation to a shocked Umno General Assembly in mid-2002, Abdullah and Dr Mahathir spent 15 months in countless conferences to discuss what the former should and would do when he finally takes over as Prime Minister in November 2003. Dr Mahathir went into great detail and explained at length why he did what he did in his 22 years as Malaysia's Prime Minister. Dr Mahathir had a reason for his many perceived lunatic moves. Even Abdullah, who was his deputy soon after Anwar Ibrahim's exit in September 1998, could not understand everything that Dr Mahathir did. Now he does.Abdullah sat there taking pages after pages of notes as Dr Mahathir gave him a 15-month crash course in Mahanomics (synonymous with Reaganomics).By the end of the 15-month training and orientation programme, Abdullah understood fully what was in the head of that strange animal called Mahathir. More importantly, Abdullah now saw the logic in Dr Mahathir's every move and agreed that, though sometimes somewhat devious, many of these moves were actually quite necessary in the pursuit of the bigger objective.
Many of Dr Mahathir's moves would certainly appear loony to the uninitiated. They would appear even stranger when viewed in the backdrop of what was perceived as a failed plan. Dr Mahathir was a blunderer and the many disasters he left as a legacy to Abdullah in November 2003 laid testimony to this. But Abdullah knew they were no disasters. He did not know earlier of course. But 15 months of sitting in front of Dr Mahathir and taking notes as the Prime Minister imparted his innermost thoughts left Abdullah with no doubts that this old man knew what he was up to and these moves could only be labelled as brilliant.
Take the Scenic or crooked Bridge as one example. No one would disagree if we were to say that this is the most stupid idea yet to come out of Dr Mahathir's mind. Why build half a bridge? Why build such a silly looking bridge that would wind its way around because it had to join the Causeway halfway across the Straits of Johor or Tebrau Straits? If they built a full bridge, then the bridge could be built straight, lower and shorter at maybe almost the same cost as half a bridge. But now they are building half a bridge, so it has to be crooked and higher-- and the cost for half a bridge is not half the cost of a full, straight bridge. But they can't build a straight or full bridge becauseSingapore will not allow their half of the Causeway to be demolished and they are not interested in building the other half of the bridge on their side or within their territorial waters. Singapore could of course agree to join Malaysia in this bridge project and agree to the Causeway being demolished and a full, straight bridge be built to replace the Causeway.
But Singapore wanted the bridge to be packaged with a lot of other goodies, all in Singapore's favour. These goodies would be like throwing in the supply of sand, allowing Singapore Air Force planes more flights over Malaysian air space, plus a re-look at the water agreement. Dr Mahathir did not agree to this. He would not package the bridge with all these other issues and he wanted each issue to be an issue by itself and to be negotiated separately and on its own merits. Dr Mahathir was no fool. He knew if he rejected Singapore's demand for a packaged deal, then Singapore would not agree to the bridge. Malaysia could go on with the bridge if it wanted, but it can only build a bridge on Malaysia's side, not on Singapore's side. Therefore it would have to be a silly-looking half-bridge that would need to be highly elevated and winding.That was exactly what Dr Mahathir wanted. He wanted Singapore to reject the full, straight bridge idea and stipulate that Malaysia can only build half a bridge if it still insisted on proceeding with the plan.
Dr Mahathir did not want a full bridge. He wanted a half-bridge. A full bridge would mean it would have to be straight and therefore low. A half-bridge would force the bridge to curve and therefore it would haveto be built highly elevated.What Dr Mahathir really wanted is the space beneath the bridge which a full bridge would not offer while a half-bridge would. And why did hewant this space? He wanted it because he wanted large container ships and oil tankers to be able to sail under the bridge.The Straits of Melaka is one of the busiest sea lanes in the world. But ships plying the Straits cannot reach Johor Port unless they sail around Singapore. So they would rather stop at the Port of Singapore instead of coming to Johor. Even ships carrying goods bound for Malaysia would rather stop at Singapore for transhipment to Malaysia rather than sail to Malaysia.
Once there is a highly elevated bridge, then the ships can bypass Singapore and come straight to Malaysia. In short, a highly elevated crooked bridge would boost the viability ofJohor Port and pose a serious threat to the Port of Singapore. To be more dramatic, the bridge could actually kill the Port of Singapore and make Johor Port the new centre for imports to and exports from Malaysia-- plus for those Indonesian importers and exporters as well who currently would rather use Singapore than sail the extra distance around Singapore to come to Johor.
That was what Dr Mahathir really wanted. He was not actually interested in the bridge. He was more interested in Malaysia overtaking Singapore in the port business. And the crooked, high, half-bridge would be able to achieve this. A straight, low, full bridge would not. Dr Mahathir very cleverly manoeuvred so that Singapore would disagree with the full bridge and would instead ask Malaysia to proceed with half a bridge.Once they said that, Dr Mahathir got them exactly where he wanted them.The half-bridge is Singapore's idea, not Dr Mahathir's, so Singapore cannot now turn around and say that they had been tricked and the bridge was merely a Red Herring and that the real motive was to out do the Port of Singapore.
Somehow, along the way, Malaysia's Foreign Minister packaged the supply of sand and more SAF flights over Malaysian air space in the bridge deal. Dr Mahathir never agreed to this. But Abdullah did for reasons known only to himself and his son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin. The sand would of course come from Johor and those individuals who will be awarded the contract to supply sand to Singapore are family members of those involved in the decision-making process at the very top echelons of power -- those walking in the corridors of power. The supply of sand is not a government effort but a private arrangement. What is even more perturbing to Dr Mahathir is that Singapore did not demand that the supply of sand be included in the deal. This idea came from Malaysia. It was Malaysia that proposed it, not Singapore that demanded it.
When the Johor Menteri Besar found out about the supply of sand arrangement he was outraged. Dr Mahathir had banned the export of sandback in 1997 and Johor was quite happy with this as the sand was coming from Johor and it is the politicians and their cronies who are making hundreds of millions out of it. For the first time in his life this very polished man who always has a sweet smile for anyone he encounters lost his cool. He never raises his voice, especially to the Prime Minister. But that day he did and he told the Prime Minister that Umno Johor will strongly oppose any Johor sand being sold to Singapore. Even the palace got into the act and there was a danger of another Constitutional Crisis erupting. In short, there was a mutiny and Johor was in revolt. A crisis never before seen in Malaysian history was about to explode. This was astate-federal conflict in the making. Abdullah had blundered big time.He had agreed that the bridge would include the supply of sand toSingapore. Now Johor, the source of the sand, put its foot down and threatened to resist at whatever cost, and Johor can be as independent as Kelantan if it so wishes. They would also reveal the names of all those who stand to benefit from this supply of sand; family members of those at the very top of the Abdullah administration. If you think the Mahathir-Anwar crisis was exciting, the supply of sand to Singapore would dwarf this by far. Not worth the paper it is written on.
Part 2 by Raja Petra Kamarudin
Two days later, Abdullah announced that the bridge project would be aborted, after starting work on it (and incurring a liability of RM100 million). Three weeks before that, Parliament had reiterated the bridge project would go on and the Minister of Works himself assured Parliament that this would be so. But now it was off. They would not be proceeding with the bridge. They could not proceed with it. To proceed with it would mean they have to supply sand to Singapore. And this would createa massive crisis between the federal government and the Johor state government. The only way out of the supply of sand commitment would be to abort the bridge project. No bridge, no sand, and no federal government-Johor state government crisis, plain and simple. But it is out of the frying pan, into the fire. Without the bridge,there would be no way ships could sail to Johor Port through the Straits and the Port of Singapore would continue to dominate this region. DrMahathir's plan to build up Johor Port and challenge Singapore's dominance was thwarted. And it was thwarted by no other than his successor who had promised him that the bridge would go on. And it was thwarted because some greedy people in the decision-making team had tried to get rich quick through selling sand to Singapore by packaging the sand supply deal in the bridge proposal. Dr Mahathir was hopping mad. Abdullah had made a big booboo, and to get out of this booboo he cancelled the bridge project. Abdullah was trying to save his arse. But in doing so he sacrificed Malaysia. Johor Port would now have to remain as pathetic as it has always been. And the Port of Singapore would remain the big wheel of this region. Flushed down thetoilet is Dr Mahathir's plan for overtaking Singapore. And, to make it worse, Abdullah had promised Dr Mahathir the bridge would go on. And he understood fully well why it must. And he realised that the bridge was for the good of Malaysia's commerce. But saving his arse was his first priority. Saving Johor Port has to come second.That is the story of the Crooked Bridge.
There are many other stories such as about the double tracking railway line, the national car, and more. Suffice to say, the double tracking railway line had the same objective as the Crooked Bridge; in that Malaysia's commerce would improve and Singapore's dominance in the region would be given a serious challenge. But Abdullah aborted this as well.The double tracking railway line was actually the first move. Once the double tracking was done, then the high speed train was supposed to follow. Imagine the day when one could live in a cheaper town like Ipoh where property prices are half those in the big city, yet work in Kuala Lumpur -- and the time it takes to get to work from Ipoh would be faster than driving from Subang Jaya to Kuala Lumpur today. The small towns would boom and development would be spread out throughout the country instead of concentrated in a few key areas like it is today. But that too now remains just a dream.
The MV Agusta matter is another issue. Dr Mahathir was going to use MVAgusta to develop a peoples's car (volks wagen) that could be marketed for as low as RM10,000, or less. MV Agusta had the technology to do this and the cost to buy MV Agusta, in spite of it debts, was still lower than embarking on this project doing your own R&D from scratch. R&D costs billions of Ringgit and to develop a car from scratch would not only cost more but would be time consuming as well. Even if you are prepared to pay the higher cost, the time would take too long. MV Agusta was a short cut and at a cheaper price on top of that. But MV Agusta was sold off for RM4 and Dr Mahathir's RM10,000 peoples's car went down the toilet, just like all the others. In fact, the sale of MV Agusta itself raises other questions. How did they decide who to sell it to and do those in the decision-making process have an interest in the company that bought MV Agusta? (Which raises the issue of conflict of interest.)
Dr Mahathir knows the real story, as he does about who those sand suppliers are, but he is not revealing all, at least not just yet.It is not that Abdullah is ignorant about all this. He knows the agenda behind the crooked Bridge, double tracking railway line, MV Agusta, and much more. He knows that all these are mere catalysts for bigger things.And he agreed that these are necessary for the future of the country.Yet he dismantled them one by one just to make it appear like DrMahathir is stupid and that all his ideas are stupid. It is all about politics and of trying to undermine Dr Mahathir. And what better way todo this than to dismantle what Dr Mahathir started and give the impression that the previous Prime Minister was a nut case. So the country suffers. So what? That is the small picture. The big picture is:Dr Mahathir is embarrassed.
The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is another thing that Dr Mahathir was and still is against. All those years he was prime minister he resisted the FTA. Then, late last year, Abdullah secretly signed the FTA with Japan whereby Japanese automobiles would have free access to the Malaysian market while Malaysian vegetables would have free access to the Japanese market. Malaysian vegetables? What vegetables do we have that we can export to Japan? We do not even grow enough for our own consumption and almost everything we eat needs to be supplemented with imports. Anyway, do the Japanese eat our vegetables? Abdullah might as well have signed an FTA with Canada whereby we export ice cubes to the Eskimos.The FTA Abdullah signed with Japan was so confidential that even theCabinet did not know about it until Abdullah informed its members later,after it had been signed. The Cabinet members were shocked, but by then it was too late to do anything about it. And how is Proton going to survive once Japanese cars get free access to the Malaysian market when even Europe and the United States can't compete with them? Proton is a dead man walking. Its days are numbered and it will be just a matter of time when the national car folds. As the Malays would say:siap kain kapan (prepare the funeral shroud).
Now the United States also wants the FTA with Malaysia signed and the US-Malaysia FTA would open all government contracts and procurement to US companies. That is the end of the New Economic Policy. The days of the Bumiputera businessmen are numbered. Malays will have to revert to becoming clerks and drivers again.Dr Mahathir is beginning to doubt whether Abdullah knows what he is doing. As far as Dr Mahathir is concerned, whatever he did, he did with the interest of the nation at heart. But Abdullah's moves, the way Dr Mahathir sees it, are moves of a traitor who does not care about the country's interest. Dr Mahathir is quite prepared to allow Abdullah to run this country the way he, as Prime Minister, sees fit. But Dr Mahathir will not remain silent and allow this state of affairs to continue if, as he put it, Malaysia's sovereignty is jeopardised. Dr Mahathir would rather take on Abdullah than allow the man to destroy this country. Not just Dr Mahathir, but many Umno veterans as well believe that power in the hands of Abdullah is like giving a flower to a monkey. Monkeys do not appreciate the beauty of flowers.
apa dah jadi.. apa nak jadi... apa akan terjadi... kita tengok saja la....
siapa lawan siapa lagi..??

hari tu dok gaduh pasal balak... sekarang sibuk pasal mercedes.. asyik sibuk pasal diri sendiri je.. apahal la... the controversial MP..
baca beritanya

The bomb of the year.. i think the rest will be revealed soon... hangat.. hangat... tak sabar nak tunggu jawapan dr M.
baca beritanya


baca beritanya
Ina.. Ina... relax la... jangan cepat melatah..
mama bukan nak menyebelahi sesiapa... cuma ini kan cerita peribadi... bawaklah berbincang sesama sendiri.. takyah la cerita kat media lebih-lebih sangat... bila dah sampai kat media bende yang kecik pun jadi besar..

Sapa menang???

Part 1
They say in legal circles that a verbal agreement is not worth the paper it is written on. Islam says, if a man breaks his word up to three times, then do not take him as a friend or comrade. Islamic scholar or ulamak Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, also currently Prime Minister of Malaysia,gave his word and he broke it more than three times. Abdullah, therefore, cannot be taken as a friend either in the western or Islamic perspective.And who did Abdullah give his word to? He gave it to previous Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad -- and of course to all Malaysians in his 2004 Election Manifesto, which he has also broken. And what did he promise Dr Mahathir? Many things, amongst which are that the Scenic or crooked Bridge would not be abandoned, the double tracking railway line would be pursued, and the national car, Proton, would be supported --just to mention but three.
After Dr Mahathir announced his resignation to a shocked Umno General Assembly in mid-2002, Abdullah and Dr Mahathir spent 15 months in countless conferences to discuss what the former should and would do when he finally takes over as Prime Minister in November 2003. Dr Mahathir went into great detail and explained at length why he did what he did in his 22 years as Malaysia's Prime Minister. Dr Mahathir had a reason for his many perceived lunatic moves. Even Abdullah, who was his deputy soon after Anwar Ibrahim's exit in September 1998, could not understand everything that Dr Mahathir did. Now he does.Abdullah sat there taking pages after pages of notes as Dr Mahathir gave him a 15-month crash course in Mahanomics (synonymous with Reaganomics).By the end of the 15-month training and orientation programme, Abdullah understood fully what was in the head of that strange animal called Mahathir. More importantly, Abdullah now saw the logic in Dr Mahathir's every move and agreed that, though sometimes somewhat devious, many of these moves were actually quite necessary in the pursuit of the bigger objective.
Many of Dr Mahathir's moves would certainly appear loony to the uninitiated. They would appear even stranger when viewed in the backdrop of what was perceived as a failed plan. Dr Mahathir was a blunderer and the many disasters he left as a legacy to Abdullah in November 2003 laid testimony to this. But Abdullah knew they were no disasters. He did not know earlier of course. But 15 months of sitting in front of Dr Mahathir and taking notes as the Prime Minister imparted his innermost thoughts left Abdullah with no doubts that this old man knew what he was up to and these moves could only be labelled as brilliant.
Take the Scenic or crooked Bridge as one example. No one would disagree if we were to say that this is the most stupid idea yet to come out of Dr Mahathir's mind. Why build half a bridge? Why build such a silly looking bridge that would wind its way around because it had to join the Causeway halfway across the Straits of Johor or Tebrau Straits? If they built a full bridge, then the bridge could be built straight, lower and shorter at maybe almost the same cost as half a bridge. But now they are building half a bridge, so it has to be crooked and higher-- and the cost for half a bridge is not half the cost of a full, straight bridge. But they can't build a straight or full bridge becauseSingapore will not allow their half of the Causeway to be demolished and they are not interested in building the other half of the bridge on their side or within their territorial waters. Singapore could of course agree to join Malaysia in this bridge project and agree to the Causeway being demolished and a full, straight bridge be built to replace the Causeway.
But Singapore wanted the bridge to be packaged with a lot of other goodies, all in Singapore's favour. These goodies would be like throwing in the supply of sand, allowing Singapore Air Force planes more flights over Malaysian air space, plus a re-look at the water agreement. Dr Mahathir did not agree to this. He would not package the bridge with all these other issues and he wanted each issue to be an issue by itself and to be negotiated separately and on its own merits. Dr Mahathir was no fool. He knew if he rejected Singapore's demand for a packaged deal, then Singapore would not agree to the bridge. Malaysia could go on with the bridge if it wanted, but it can only build a bridge on Malaysia's side, not on Singapore's side. Therefore it would have to be a silly-looking half-bridge that would need to be highly elevated and winding.That was exactly what Dr Mahathir wanted. He wanted Singapore to reject the full, straight bridge idea and stipulate that Malaysia can only build half a bridge if it still insisted on proceeding with the plan.
Dr Mahathir did not want a full bridge. He wanted a half-bridge. A full bridge would mean it would have to be straight and therefore low. A half-bridge would force the bridge to curve and therefore it would haveto be built highly elevated.What Dr Mahathir really wanted is the space beneath the bridge which a full bridge would not offer while a half-bridge would. And why did hewant this space? He wanted it because he wanted large container ships and oil tankers to be able to sail under the bridge.The Straits of Melaka is one of the busiest sea lanes in the world. But ships plying the Straits cannot reach Johor Port unless they sail around Singapore. So they would rather stop at the Port of Singapore instead of coming to Johor. Even ships carrying goods bound for Malaysia would rather stop at Singapore for transhipment to Malaysia rather than sail to Malaysia.
Once there is a highly elevated bridge, then the ships can bypass Singapore and come straight to Malaysia. In short, a highly elevated crooked bridge would boost the viability ofJohor Port and pose a serious threat to the Port of Singapore. To be more dramatic, the bridge could actually kill the Port of Singapore and make Johor Port the new centre for imports to and exports from Malaysia-- plus for those Indonesian importers and exporters as well who currently would rather use Singapore than sail the extra distance around Singapore to come to Johor.
That was what Dr Mahathir really wanted. He was not actually interested in the bridge. He was more interested in Malaysia overtaking Singapore in the port business. And the crooked, high, half-bridge would be able to achieve this. A straight, low, full bridge would not. Dr Mahathir very cleverly manoeuvred so that Singapore would disagree with the full bridge and would instead ask Malaysia to proceed with half a bridge.Once they said that, Dr Mahathir got them exactly where he wanted them.The half-bridge is Singapore's idea, not Dr Mahathir's, so Singapore cannot now turn around and say that they had been tricked and the bridge was merely a Red Herring and that the real motive was to out do the Port of Singapore.
Somehow, along the way, Malaysia's Foreign Minister packaged the supply of sand and more SAF flights over Malaysian air space in the bridge deal. Dr Mahathir never agreed to this. But Abdullah did for reasons known only to himself and his son-in-law, Khairy Jamaluddin. The sand would of course come from Johor and those individuals who will be awarded the contract to supply sand to Singapore are family members of those involved in the decision-making process at the very top echelons of power -- those walking in the corridors of power. The supply of sand is not a government effort but a private arrangement. What is even more perturbing to Dr Mahathir is that Singapore did not demand that the supply of sand be included in the deal. This idea came from Malaysia. It was Malaysia that proposed it, not Singapore that demanded it.
When the Johor Menteri Besar found out about the supply of sand arrangement he was outraged. Dr Mahathir had banned the export of sandback in 1997 and Johor was quite happy with this as the sand was coming from Johor and it is the politicians and their cronies who are making hundreds of millions out of it. For the first time in his life this very polished man who always has a sweet smile for anyone he encounters lost his cool. He never raises his voice, especially to the Prime Minister. But that day he did and he told the Prime Minister that Umno Johor will strongly oppose any Johor sand being sold to Singapore. Even the palace got into the act and there was a danger of another Constitutional Crisis erupting. In short, there was a mutiny and Johor was in revolt. A crisis never before seen in Malaysian history was about to explode. This was astate-federal conflict in the making. Abdullah had blundered big time.He had agreed that the bridge would include the supply of sand toSingapore. Now Johor, the source of the sand, put its foot down and threatened to resist at whatever cost, and Johor can be as independent as Kelantan if it so wishes. They would also reveal the names of all those who stand to benefit from this supply of sand; family members of those at the very top of the Abdullah administration. If you think the Mahathir-Anwar crisis was exciting, the supply of sand to Singapore would dwarf this by far. Not worth the paper it is written on.
Part 2 by Raja Petra Kamarudin
Two days later, Abdullah announced that the bridge project would be aborted, after starting work on it (and incurring a liability of RM100 million). Three weeks before that, Parliament had reiterated the bridge project would go on and the Minister of Works himself assured Parliament that this would be so. But now it was off. They would not be proceeding with the bridge. They could not proceed with it. To proceed with it would mean they have to supply sand to Singapore. And this would createa massive crisis between the federal government and the Johor state government. The only way out of the supply of sand commitment would be to abort the bridge project. No bridge, no sand, and no federal government-Johor state government crisis, plain and simple. But it is out of the frying pan, into the fire. Without the bridge,there would be no way ships could sail to Johor Port through the Straits and the Port of Singapore would continue to dominate this region. DrMahathir's plan to build up Johor Port and challenge Singapore's dominance was thwarted. And it was thwarted by no other than his successor who had promised him that the bridge would go on. And it was thwarted because some greedy people in the decision-making team had tried to get rich quick through selling sand to Singapore by packaging the sand supply deal in the bridge proposal. Dr Mahathir was hopping mad. Abdullah had made a big booboo, and to get out of this booboo he cancelled the bridge project. Abdullah was trying to save his arse. But in doing so he sacrificed Malaysia. Johor Port would now have to remain as pathetic as it has always been. And the Port of Singapore would remain the big wheel of this region. Flushed down thetoilet is Dr Mahathir's plan for overtaking Singapore. And, to make it worse, Abdullah had promised Dr Mahathir the bridge would go on. And he understood fully well why it must. And he realised that the bridge was for the good of Malaysia's commerce. But saving his arse was his first priority. Saving Johor Port has to come second.That is the story of the Crooked Bridge.
There are many other stories such as about the double tracking railway line, the national car, and more. Suffice to say, the double tracking railway line had the same objective as the Crooked Bridge; in that Malaysia's commerce would improve and Singapore's dominance in the region would be given a serious challenge. But Abdullah aborted this as well.The double tracking railway line was actually the first move. Once the double tracking was done, then the high speed train was supposed to follow. Imagine the day when one could live in a cheaper town like Ipoh where property prices are half those in the big city, yet work in Kuala Lumpur -- and the time it takes to get to work from Ipoh would be faster than driving from Subang Jaya to Kuala Lumpur today. The small towns would boom and development would be spread out throughout the country instead of concentrated in a few key areas like it is today. But that too now remains just a dream.
The MV Agusta matter is another issue. Dr Mahathir was going to use MVAgusta to develop a peoples's car (volks wagen) that could be marketed for as low as RM10,000, or less. MV Agusta had the technology to do this and the cost to buy MV Agusta, in spite of it debts, was still lower than embarking on this project doing your own R&D from scratch. R&D costs billions of Ringgit and to develop a car from scratch would not only cost more but would be time consuming as well. Even if you are prepared to pay the higher cost, the time would take too long. MV Agusta was a short cut and at a cheaper price on top of that. But MV Agusta was sold off for RM4 and Dr Mahathir's RM10,000 peoples's car went down the toilet, just like all the others. In fact, the sale of MV Agusta itself raises other questions. How did they decide who to sell it to and do those in the decision-making process have an interest in the company that bought MV Agusta? (Which raises the issue of conflict of interest.)
Dr Mahathir knows the real story, as he does about who those sand suppliers are, but he is not revealing all, at least not just yet.It is not that Abdullah is ignorant about all this. He knows the agenda behind the crooked Bridge, double tracking railway line, MV Agusta, and much more. He knows that all these are mere catalysts for bigger things.And he agreed that these are necessary for the future of the country.Yet he dismantled them one by one just to make it appear like DrMahathir is stupid and that all his ideas are stupid. It is all about politics and of trying to undermine Dr Mahathir. And what better way todo this than to dismantle what Dr Mahathir started and give the impression that the previous Prime Minister was a nut case. So the country suffers. So what? That is the small picture. The big picture is:Dr Mahathir is embarrassed.
The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is another thing that Dr Mahathir was and still is against. All those years he was prime minister he resisted the FTA. Then, late last year, Abdullah secretly signed the FTA with Japan whereby Japanese automobiles would have free access to the Malaysian market while Malaysian vegetables would have free access to the Japanese market. Malaysian vegetables? What vegetables do we have that we can export to Japan? We do not even grow enough for our own consumption and almost everything we eat needs to be supplemented with imports. Anyway, do the Japanese eat our vegetables? Abdullah might as well have signed an FTA with Canada whereby we export ice cubes to the Eskimos.The FTA Abdullah signed with Japan was so confidential that even theCabinet did not know about it until Abdullah informed its members later,after it had been signed. The Cabinet members were shocked, but by then it was too late to do anything about it. And how is Proton going to survive once Japanese cars get free access to the Malaysian market when even Europe and the United States can't compete with them? Proton is a dead man walking. Its days are numbered and it will be just a matter of time when the national car folds. As the Malays would say:siap kain kapan (prepare the funeral shroud).
Now the United States also wants the FTA with Malaysia signed and the US-Malaysia FTA would open all government contracts and procurement to US companies. That is the end of the New Economic Policy. The days of the Bumiputera businessmen are numbered. Malays will have to revert to becoming clerks and drivers again.Dr Mahathir is beginning to doubt whether Abdullah knows what he is doing. As far as Dr Mahathir is concerned, whatever he did, he did with the interest of the nation at heart. But Abdullah's moves, the way Dr Mahathir sees it, are moves of a traitor who does not care about the country's interest. Dr Mahathir is quite prepared to allow Abdullah to run this country the way he, as Prime Minister, sees fit. But Dr Mahathir will not remain silent and allow this state of affairs to continue if, as he put it, Malaysia's sovereignty is jeopardised. Dr Mahathir would rather take on Abdullah than allow the man to destroy this country. Not just Dr Mahathir, but many Umno veterans as well believe that power in the hands of Abdullah is like giving a flower to a monkey. Monkeys do not appreciate the beauty of flowers.
apa dah jadi.. apa nak jadi... apa akan terjadi... kita tengok saja la....
siapa lawan siapa lagi..??

hari tu dok gaduh pasal balak... sekarang sibuk pasal mercedes.. asyik sibuk pasal diri sendiri je.. apahal la... the controversial MP..
baca beritanya

The bomb of the year.. i think the rest will be revealed soon... hangat.. hangat... tak sabar nak tunggu jawapan dr M.
baca beritanya


baca beritanya
Ina.. Ina... relax la... jangan cepat melatah..
mama bukan nak menyebelahi sesiapa... cuma ini kan cerita peribadi... bawaklah berbincang sesama sendiri.. takyah la cerita kat media lebih-lebih sangat... bila dah sampai kat media bende yang kecik pun jadi besar..
according to ITIL, in handling crisis management, the best answer to the media is... "No comment".

Sapa menang???
July 04, 2006
where does my voice go...
arggghhhhhh... takde suara..!!!!
sakit tekak?
bergaduh dengan budak-budak? luqman... jgn buat tu... humaira.. jgn buat ni...maisara... etc.. etc..
tak cukup minum air?
makan buah nam nam yang masam itu?
minum air batu?
sorak world cup? tak tengok pun...
abih suaraku menjadi rock...
minum air asam jawa..
makan telur mentah..
makan madu...
minum air limau suam..
makan strepsil..
minum air asam jawa campur gula merah..
apa lagi?
tapi semua mama tak buat kecuali makan strepsil je.. hehheheh...
pagi nih..
arrgghhhhhhh... mata merah..
naper yek?
contact lense expired? baru tukar semalam...
tak cukup tidur? terlebih tidur ada la...
nak sakit mata? mungkin juga..
kena pakai spek hitam la hari ni..
nak pegi jumpa doktor..
kalau betul sakit mata.. boleh la dapat mc...
kalau tak sakit mata... kena la terus berada di sini...
sakit tekak?
bergaduh dengan budak-budak? luqman... jgn buat tu... humaira.. jgn buat ni...maisara... etc.. etc..
tak cukup minum air?
makan buah nam nam yang masam itu?
minum air batu?
sorak world cup? tak tengok pun...
abih suaraku menjadi rock...
minum air asam jawa..
makan telur mentah..
makan madu...
minum air limau suam..
makan strepsil..
minum air asam jawa campur gula merah..
apa lagi?
tapi semua mama tak buat kecuali makan strepsil je.. hehheheh...
pagi nih..
arrgghhhhhhh... mata merah..
naper yek?
contact lense expired? baru tukar semalam...
tak cukup tidur? terlebih tidur ada la...
nak sakit mata? mungkin juga..
kena pakai spek hitam la hari ni..
nak pegi jumpa doktor..
kalau betul sakit mata.. boleh la dapat mc...
kalau tak sakit mata... kena la terus berada di sini...

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