Alhamdulillah... thank you.
December 31, 2004
December 29, 2004
tsunami.. tsunami..
Tipulah kalau mama kata mama tak tersentuh hati dengan cerita tsunami ni.. sedih sangat.. especially bila baca cerita mereka yang betul2 mengalaminya... bila dengar cerita macamana orang yang disayangi hilang disambar ombak di depan mata sendiri... kehilangan 5 orang cahayamata sekaligus... aduh... berlinang air mata... mungkin sebab bila kita ada anak naluri keibuan itu cukup kuat menyebabkan kita sensitif bila dengar berita kehilangan orang tersayang.. tak dapat nak bayangkan.. macamanalah kalau jadik kat diri sendiri... semalam tengok berita.. budak2 tengah mencari2 barang yang boleh diselamatkan daripada dlm lumpur bekas sambaran ombak besar tu... kesiannya... dah la sekolah dah nak buka minggu depan.. mama cakap kat luqman.. luqman tengok tu... kesian dia nak pegi sekolah... banjir.. buku-buku semua habis... dah takde buku dah...
mama nak luqman paham sikit2 untuk kesian kat orang yang ditimpa musibah.. mama doa mereka yang terlibat supaya tabah menghadapi dugaan yang amat besar ini... kuasa Allah.. insya allah ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian ini..
latest death toll ialah 68000 orang keseluruhannya... jumlah kat malaysia yang mati dlm 68 orang tapi 100 lagi masih dilaporkan hilang... ada kampung2 kecil di utara sumatera lenyap sama sekali ditelah ombak tsunami... somehow kita bersyukur di negara kita tidak la seteruk di tempat lain... cuma mungkin jumlah mangsa yang mati di tempat kita boleh dikurangkan sekiranya ada amaran awal.. mama baca pagi ni sebuah hotel tepi pantai di Penang sempat memberi amaran kepada visitors di situ sebab ada baywatch... bila pemerhati pantai nampak ombak luar biasa terus dia bagi warning kat hotel management mengatakan pantai tak selamat... so visitor semua sempat masuk ke dalam.. jadi tak adalah kemalangan jiwa di situ... mama rasa semua pantai kat malaysia ni perlu buat macam tulah...
Tapi yang tak sedapnya dlm kita tengah bersedih dengan tragedi tsunami nih, masih jugak nak buat new year party.. siap promote besar-besaran lagi... hari tu MHI hari Isnin kot... ye ye je la pagi tu bacakan berita-berita penting dlm paper pasal tsunami.. 5 minit kemudian cerita pasal nak berparty... extravaganza new year party.. datang la beramai-ramai... sepatutnya sekarang nih negara kita kena berkabung... hormat la sikit perasaan mangsa-mangsa yang terlibat.. bukan suruh buat apa... cuba bayangkan mereka di sana tengah sedih kehilangan orang tersayang.. kehilangan harta benda.. tapi yang kat sini tengah terkinja-kinja melihat konsert untuk bergembira menyambut tahun baru... kan lebih baik kalau peruntukan untuk konsert tu diberi kepada mangsa-mangsa tersebut... kesian diorang.. sehelai sepinggang je tinggal... diorang ni tak sensitif langsung... sedih mengenangkannya... agung ke PM ke kan boleh gunakan power... hmm.. PM pun dah 3-4 hari lepas kejadian baru nak balik sini... 'terpaksa' memendekkan cuti di luar negara... sepatutnya on the spot pak lah kena balik sini... ni bukan kejadian kecik nih... BIG MATTER... this is not an option.. it's his responsibility!..but who am i to say... i'm just one little tiny voice from down below...
ah.. tak kuasa nak cakap... mama harap semua mangsa tabahkan hati menghadapi semua ini.. yelah.. berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul... tabung-tabung kutipan pun banyak.. just make some initiative to find them to give something to the victims.. money, clothes.. etc..etc... and especially to make doa for them...
if only....
mama nak luqman paham sikit2 untuk kesian kat orang yang ditimpa musibah.. mama doa mereka yang terlibat supaya tabah menghadapi dugaan yang amat besar ini... kuasa Allah.. insya allah ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian ini..
latest death toll ialah 68000 orang keseluruhannya... jumlah kat malaysia yang mati dlm 68 orang tapi 100 lagi masih dilaporkan hilang... ada kampung2 kecil di utara sumatera lenyap sama sekali ditelah ombak tsunami... somehow kita bersyukur di negara kita tidak la seteruk di tempat lain... cuma mungkin jumlah mangsa yang mati di tempat kita boleh dikurangkan sekiranya ada amaran awal.. mama baca pagi ni sebuah hotel tepi pantai di Penang sempat memberi amaran kepada visitors di situ sebab ada baywatch... bila pemerhati pantai nampak ombak luar biasa terus dia bagi warning kat hotel management mengatakan pantai tak selamat... so visitor semua sempat masuk ke dalam.. jadi tak adalah kemalangan jiwa di situ... mama rasa semua pantai kat malaysia ni perlu buat macam tulah...
Tapi yang tak sedapnya dlm kita tengah bersedih dengan tragedi tsunami nih, masih jugak nak buat new year party.. siap promote besar-besaran lagi... hari tu MHI hari Isnin kot... ye ye je la pagi tu bacakan berita-berita penting dlm paper pasal tsunami.. 5 minit kemudian cerita pasal nak berparty... extravaganza new year party.. datang la beramai-ramai... sepatutnya sekarang nih negara kita kena berkabung... hormat la sikit perasaan mangsa-mangsa yang terlibat.. bukan suruh buat apa... cuba bayangkan mereka di sana tengah sedih kehilangan orang tersayang.. kehilangan harta benda.. tapi yang kat sini tengah terkinja-kinja melihat konsert untuk bergembira menyambut tahun baru... kan lebih baik kalau peruntukan untuk konsert tu diberi kepada mangsa-mangsa tersebut... kesian diorang.. sehelai sepinggang je tinggal... diorang ni tak sensitif langsung... sedih mengenangkannya... agung ke PM ke kan boleh gunakan power... hmm.. PM pun dah 3-4 hari lepas kejadian baru nak balik sini... 'terpaksa' memendekkan cuti di luar negara... sepatutnya on the spot pak lah kena balik sini... ni bukan kejadian kecik nih... BIG MATTER... this is not an option.. it's his responsibility!..but who am i to say... i'm just one little tiny voice from down below...
ah.. tak kuasa nak cakap... mama harap semua mangsa tabahkan hati menghadapi semua ini.. yelah.. berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul... tabung-tabung kutipan pun banyak.. just make some initiative to find them to give something to the victims.. money, clothes.. etc..etc... and especially to make doa for them...
if only....
Cosmo's World here we go...
Last Monday we visited Cosmo's World at Berjaya Times Square at the heart of KL. Berjaya Times Square is located next to the Pudu Jail (don't worry, no more prisoners in here..). In fact if you are in one of the hotel room you can see inside the Pudu Jail... There is an 'X' at the center of the jail compound.. wonder what is it for..
Anyway, we arrived there at about 11am.. not many people are around... good for us.. no need to be in a long queue to take a ride.. the tickets cost us rm25 for adults and free for kids under 3yo..
anyway we only went to the kidz area.. the kidz area is located at the higher floor so you can see the adult area at the bottom... wow.. if i'm not with the kidz i would surely take all the rides that i can get... roller coaster, the ship, etc..etc.. but thinking again, even without the kid, i don't think i can go there because husband is gayat... he just cannot take any ride except maybe bumper car... I remembered when we were in UK, we had a trip to Alton Towers. This theme park is very huge, i told u.. i really had a lot of fun there... but one thing i can't forget... we were riding this thing called Black Hole, where we ride in the dark... higher and higher.. we can only see the stars.. actually it was very beautiful but the suspense made us nerveous... as we go higher and higher i heard somebody's wailing... mak.. nak turun.. nak turun... it's my husband! (well at that time he's not my husband yet..) hahahh... he was afraid of height... That was his first and the last ride... after that we give our camera to him... he was our official cameraman for the day... my poor husband... :-)
Anyway, i think Luqman has got something of my husband blood... we already queueing for Crazy Bus and when it came to our turn, luqman just didn't want to get in... maybe because while we were waiting he already saw the bus going crazy like up and down... hmm...
We take the botanical drive... guess what, the botanical thing that we could see is the pumpkins! Nothing much to show to the kidz.. Then we get in the Merry-go-round.. pening..pening.. i think because it has a small radius, that makes us dizzy... after that we take the Fantasy Trail... this is cool... (for the kidz la...) they can see spiders.. fish... mushrooms... And the best place is the playground.. we spent the rest of the time in the playground... luqman main tak ingat punye...
Other ride that we didn't take is the swinging ship, bumble bee, honey bump (bumper car for kids), and the crazy bus..
at noon, the kids already tired, hungry and sleepy. so we decided to make it short and left.. thinking that we paid rm50 for this.. hmm.. tak berbaloi.. anyway the kids were having a good time. After that we left for Kenny Rogers... nyum.. nyum...
We arrived home at 2pm... we all pengsan until 5pm... what a day...
Anyway, we arrived there at about 11am.. not many people are around... good for us.. no need to be in a long queue to take a ride.. the tickets cost us rm25 for adults and free for kids under 3yo..
anyway we only went to the kidz area.. the kidz area is located at the higher floor so you can see the adult area at the bottom... wow.. if i'm not with the kidz i would surely take all the rides that i can get... roller coaster, the ship, etc..etc.. but thinking again, even without the kid, i don't think i can go there because husband is gayat... he just cannot take any ride except maybe bumper car... I remembered when we were in UK, we had a trip to Alton Towers. This theme park is very huge, i told u.. i really had a lot of fun there... but one thing i can't forget... we were riding this thing called Black Hole, where we ride in the dark... higher and higher.. we can only see the stars.. actually it was very beautiful but the suspense made us nerveous... as we go higher and higher i heard somebody's wailing... mak.. nak turun.. nak turun... it's my husband! (well at that time he's not my husband yet..) hahahh... he was afraid of height... That was his first and the last ride... after that we give our camera to him... he was our official cameraman for the day... my poor husband... :-)
Anyway, i think Luqman has got something of my husband blood... we already queueing for Crazy Bus and when it came to our turn, luqman just didn't want to get in... maybe because while we were waiting he already saw the bus going crazy like up and down... hmm...
We take the botanical drive... guess what, the botanical thing that we could see is the pumpkins! Nothing much to show to the kidz.. Then we get in the Merry-go-round.. pening..pening.. i think because it has a small radius, that makes us dizzy... after that we take the Fantasy Trail... this is cool... (for the kidz la...) they can see spiders.. fish... mushrooms... And the best place is the playground.. we spent the rest of the time in the playground... luqman main tak ingat punye...
Other ride that we didn't take is the swinging ship, bumble bee, honey bump (bumper car for kids), and the crazy bus..
at noon, the kids already tired, hungry and sleepy. so we decided to make it short and left.. thinking that we paid rm50 for this.. hmm.. tak berbaloi.. anyway the kids were having a good time. After that we left for Kenny Rogers... nyum.. nyum...
We arrived home at 2pm... we all pengsan until 5pm... what a day...
December 23, 2004
The 3 lil stooges

Ain Humaira, Luqman Hakim, Ain Maisara
Luqman is a Merdeka boy.. he was born on the 31st August 2002. What an experience giving birth to this little boy... i suffered a 10 hour labour pain which starts every 5 minutes.. fuh... but the moment i saw his face.. all the pain was gone... biasalah kan.. first baby... i didn't really know what to expect.. Luqman hakim.. the story about Luqman Hakim was narrated in the Quran... we hope he will be a smart, brilliant and a good person just like in the story..
Luqman started walking at 9 months... pretty impressive huh.. he can utter a few word here and there when he was only 1 year old... i remembered, when his sisters were still in my tummy, he can already said the word 'baby'... he got his little sisters when he was 1 year and 12 days!!.. what can i say... rezeki... what more.. it's a twin! Luqman has got two sisters when he is only a bit over 1 year! But we make sure he's got all the love that he needs as a small kid... in fact, at 1 yo he was still considered a baby...
My two lil angels were born on the 12th of September 2003. Eventhough that was my second time, it felt like a whole new experience again becoz there was two!! The labour pain prolonged for 3 hours... but the delivery was very easy.. in fact, the first twin was delivered without the help of a doctor or a nurse!.. i was suffering from the contraction when the nurse said it was already 10cm opening and that i can push a bit because the head is still high.. then she left us to call Dr Nora... so i did push a bit but once u push you just cannot hold any longer.. it was like when you have a stomach ache and you are rushing to the toilet so that you can let 'it' out... that was exactly what i feel... so my first twin got out all by herself onto the bed... luckily the bed is still in the original position (to anybody who doesn't know, when you are about to deliver, bottom half of the bed will be lowered...) Then i told my husband... "baby dah keluar.. baby dah keluar..." then the nurse came.. she doesn't believe me at first.. but then we heard a tiny little cry coming from under my blanket... hah.. there you go... then only the nurse kelamkabutly put on her glove, take my baby and shove those tubes and stuff to my baby's throat.. etc..etc...then only Dr Nora came... "What? the baby's out already???" hahahha... what an experience... the second one came out 8 minutes later...
For 1 week they didn't have any name... we did have some namelist ready but we just couldn't make up our mind.. almaklumlah twins... so we need 2 names which rhymes and have good meaning... Humaira is the name of Siti Aishah called by our Prophet .. which means kemerah-merahan (reddish). Well, humaira did look kemerah-merahan... that's why we put that name... Maisara means kesenangan.. senang hati, senang mata memandang... she did look ceria... and we want to put something light and easy at the front of their names... so we settled with Ain Humaira and Ain Maisara... If you translate them directly it would means 'Mata kemerah-merahan' and 'Mata kesenangan'.. that does not sound right, huh.. well, we actually mean Ain to be matahati, cahayamata...
So suddenly we are in the midst of having 3 babies to take care of... it was a BIG challenge for us both.. without maid.. Luqman still need attention, the other two absolutely need attention.. Came at that time is Ramadhan... Iftar was usually a chaos... plus i considered them as cerewet baby..once their eyes are open, they need someone to hold them.. otherwise.. uwaaa... so can you imagine?? but we survived...
Now they are all big boy and big girls... Luqman is already 2 and 3 mo. Humaira and Maisara are both 1 year 3 mo. They look like they are in the same age.. but of course the big brother always win... no doubt about that... and who said twins don't quarrel... that was an understatement... all those hittings, biting, pulling hair... hmm... anyway we love to see them together... Luqman also loves his sisters and he is protective too! Try picking on the twins, the big bro will be on rescue...
Their favourite tunes..
(together with their sign language)
bangun pagi
gosok gigi
cuci muka
terus mandi
pakai baju
minum susu
pergi sekolah
yeaaa... (clap hands..)
and during meal time .. after each suap...
nyum nyum nyum nyum..
nyum nyum nyum nyum...
.. and so on.. (follow the bangun pagi punye tune...)
luqman oh luqman

Semalam lepas balik keje, MamaSherry tengah sibuk prepare for dinner, terdengar hubby bercakap dengan luqman after washing him up,
" Luqman tak payah pakai pampers la.. dah besar.."
" Aaa, luqman tak pakai pampers"
" Betul ni?"
" Aa.. luqman tak pakai pampers"
MamaSherry dalam hati.. " boleh caya ke nih" Tapi tengok luqman cam ok je.. so hubby pun kata kite try je la... lagipun luqman memang dah pandai cakap.
" nak kencing cakap tau" berkali2 MamaSherry ingatkan luqman. kalau terkencing nih abislah mesti MamaSherry juga yang kena bersihkan.. tapi nampak cam ok.. so MamaSherry pun rasa confident jugak la... tapi agaknya dia tak berapa selesa lagi la.. asyik2 nak pegang2 pulak... ada tu luqman ngadu sakit... agaknya seluar tu terselit2 kot.. kkekekke...
after dinner, MamaSherry tanya luqman, "luqman nak kencing?" " Nak!" ok cepat2 la hubby bawak gi bilik air... after that memang puji dia abih la... " ce ce ce... luqman tak pakai pampers dah.. boleh eksen kat nenek, kat haiqal (his cousin)... " luqman pun suka la...
about one hour after that, suddenly hubby jerit.. eiiii.. luqman kencing atas sofa... oh nooo.... habis basah semua... hubby said luqman kata dia kentut... rupanya terkencing sekali... kena la bersihkan... "naper luqman tak cakap nak kencing??" tapi we all takdelah marah... lepas tu terus pakaikan pampers.. luqman..luqman... tapi sebenarnya my fault jugak.. i should have ask him regularly if he wants to make a trip to the toilet instead of waiting for him to ask..
takpe luqman.. esok kite cuba lagi ye...
by the way, luqman is 2 yrs and 3 months...
Sami Yusuf
Sami Yusuf is a UK nasheed singer.
When i first heard his song Al-Mu'allim, i was like, wow this is a very beautiful song - beatiful voice, beautiful melody, beautiful arrangement of voices and percussions... and the most important thing is that it carries a beautiful message.. it is about our Prophet Muhammad SAW.. it is just beautiful.... I was actually accidentally heard the song when i was googling for Zain Bikha who sings Give Thanks To Allah which some mistook him for Michael Jackson.
Sami wrote, sing and produce his own songs. He is 23, very young and handsome.. hheheh... i just need to give credit to him because he uses his talent in a good way... conveying the message of Islam.. he absolutely set a good example to the young muslim around the world.. try listening to his songs.. Al-Muallim, Allahu, ya Mustafa, The Creator... he set a new standard in a nasheed world... try watching his Al-Muallim video clip.. you will want to watch it over and over again...
He was actually here in Malaysia last 2 weeks.. doing some promotion in TV3, TV1 and IKIM. Unfortunately i didn't have the chance to follow any of his program.. he was in MHI but i just heard Nizar said.. "Hari ini kita ada artis undangan Sami Yusuf.. bla.. bla.. bla..." that was at 7.30 am.. Nizar was just telling the people about their agenda for the day.. and i was heading to the office.. so no chance to see sami live at TV...
I did some surfing on where to get his CD here in Malaysia.. At that time, no distributor in Malaysia.. so i thought what if i just order the album from the UK distributor because they do send it all over the world... the price is 7.99 pounds.. but when you convert to RM plus shipping... etc...etc.. i changed my mind... hehheh.. tak berapa mampu la... nway, i can still listen to the song (downloadble from his site).. but just recently they add a new distributor in Malaysia and that is As-Sahrah in Kajang.. i have yet to go there...
Salut to Sami.. i hope he will continue this good thing and will not stray from the good intention especially when he becomes more and more popular...
When i first heard his song Al-Mu'allim, i was like, wow this is a very beautiful song - beatiful voice, beautiful melody, beautiful arrangement of voices and percussions... and the most important thing is that it carries a beautiful message.. it is about our Prophet Muhammad SAW.. it is just beautiful.... I was actually accidentally heard the song when i was googling for Zain Bikha who sings Give Thanks To Allah which some mistook him for Michael Jackson.
Sami wrote, sing and produce his own songs. He is 23, very young and handsome.. hheheh... i just need to give credit to him because he uses his talent in a good way... conveying the message of Islam.. he absolutely set a good example to the young muslim around the world.. try listening to his songs.. Al-Muallim, Allahu, ya Mustafa, The Creator... he set a new standard in a nasheed world... try watching his Al-Muallim video clip.. you will want to watch it over and over again...
He was actually here in Malaysia last 2 weeks.. doing some promotion in TV3, TV1 and IKIM. Unfortunately i didn't have the chance to follow any of his program.. he was in MHI but i just heard Nizar said.. "Hari ini kita ada artis undangan Sami Yusuf.. bla.. bla.. bla..." that was at 7.30 am.. Nizar was just telling the people about their agenda for the day.. and i was heading to the office.. so no chance to see sami live at TV...
I did some surfing on where to get his CD here in Malaysia.. At that time, no distributor in Malaysia.. so i thought what if i just order the album from the UK distributor because they do send it all over the world... the price is 7.99 pounds.. but when you convert to RM plus shipping... etc...etc.. i changed my mind... hehheh.. tak berapa mampu la... nway, i can still listen to the song (downloadble from his site).. but just recently they add a new distributor in Malaysia and that is As-Sahrah in Kajang.. i have yet to go there...
Salut to Sami.. i hope he will continue this good thing and will not stray from the good intention especially when he becomes more and more popular...

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