October 09, 2006

hisap jari...


Even with all I've read about thumb-sucking and pacifiers, I just don't know what I should do. My 8-month-old daughter prefers her thumb, but people say a pacifier is better for her. When should she stop sucking her thumb or the pacifier? Is either one a bad habit?


Babies use sucking to calm and settle themselves. Thumb-sucking starts before birth (there are pictures taken of fetuses sucking their thumbs in utero) and can be a very helpful way for babies to cope with tension. There are many advantages to allowing children to suck their thumbs rather than a pacifer: Thumbs are always there, don't fall on the floor, aren't tied to children's clothing by potentially dangerous strings that can get caught on things, and are under the baby's own control.

Children usually give up thumb-sucking when they develop other ways to calm down and comfort themselves, usually by age 4 to 5, although many children suck their thumbs at night or occasionally, when stresses become too much, for many years beyond that.It's unlikely that your child will continue sucking her pacifier well into the childhood years when it might threaten proper dental development. During the years your child is likely to be using a pacifier, she only has her baby teeth; permanent dentition generally doesn't appear until around age 6.I wouldn't attempt to "break her" of the habit until she's ready to give it up on her own. You're unlikely to be successful, and it will only lead to unnecessary struggles and frustration for both of you. If you decide to restrict her access to a pacifier, help her find her thumb, or offer her a blanket or a soft toy to comfort herself instead.


mama sekarang pun tengah ada masalah yang sama nih.. imran is addicted to his thumb!!.. kalau kita cabut mesti marah punya.. especially bila nak tidur... mama risau sebab ada la sorang anak buah mama ni sampai besar sampai la ni dah masuk form 4 tokleh tinggal jari dia.. hehhe.. memang la tak boleh tinggal jari kan... tak ngaku plak tu.. tapi memalam tidur orang nampak dia masuk jari dia masuk mulut... eiiii... see... to that extent... agaknya cam spontan je masa tidur tu terhisap jari.. yang empunya diri pun tak perasan... pastu gigi pun akan prone to jongang.. pastu jari pun jadik kecut.. tak mau la imran jadi camtu... semua orang kata sebelum melarat baik hentikan dari sekarang...

ayah kata.. bagi chance la sampai setahun.. so last week imran already turned 1. so sekarang mama memang tengah nak tolong imran kurangkan ketagihannya.. semalam berjaya juga mama tidurkan imran tanpa hisap jari.. rahsianya... pakaikan baju lengan panjang yang panjang so that tangan dia tenggelam dalam baju... bising jugak.. golek sana.. golek sini.. merengek.. cam risau la tak jumpa dia punya jari tu.. tapi tepuk2 dia.. peluk2 dia.. pujuk2 dia akhirnya terlelap juga... kesian gak.. abih tu nak buat cemana... nantilah.. artikel kat atas tu kata boleh try carikan ganti untuk comfortkan dia.. bantal golek ke... teddy bear ke.. anak patung ke... errkk... takkan imran nak main anak patung kot.. cam pompuan plak...

takpelah imran.. kita try sikit-sikit la kan.. hopefully usaha berjaya... insya allah...

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